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Hello friends of Silverbrook, potential newcomers, and lovers of dogs in general, as we are in the process of restructuring our blog, I thought it would be wise to take this time and go over what exactly we do here in a more casual manner to both remind our long-time families and inform newer visitors how we ensure your dog can both reach their full potential and enjoy themselves while they stay with us. Of course, if you want a more detailed and to the point rundown of our services you can always go to our main page, but for those just needing a refresher, or who prefer a more longform narrative explanation, stick around!

Silverbrook was established in 1979 and right from the start our business has been driven by the passion we have for our unique four-legged family members. We started primarily as a gundog training facility where we took dogs and taught them how best to assist their owners in the hunting of game. We even took our gundogs to competitions to show off just how well they took to our program, and while we have toned back our gundog training for other focuses, we do still look back on those times fondly, and in some ways, we honor our roots by breeding Labrador puppies, the breed that we personally worked with the most.

We do still train dogs nowadays with our obedience program, a three-week doggie boarding school that helps you and your pet communicate better. This personalized course takes your dog into a small class where they receive one on one training to learn basic commands such as being able to sit, come, or heel beside you both on and off leash, as well as basic etiquette like not jumping up on people when they come to your house, getting into things they aren’t supposed to, or barking at times where it’d be inappropriate. Towards the end of the class, we bring you into the process by informing how best to keep up your dog’s obedience, and even before then we make sure to keep you updated on their progress regularly.

The other primary focus of our kennel is (of course) to care for your dog when you aren’t there to do so. Travel with pets can be extremely difficult with most places not allowing pets outright, but we know that leaving a family member home alone when the rest is out on vacation can feel remiss. Luckily, you don’t have to! By bringing them Silverbrook you can give your canine loved one a vacation of their own. We make sure that your dog is properly cared for and loved so that you can enjoy your own vacation stress free. We also make sure that your pet gets the medication they need and will also gladly feed them food you supply to us in order to keep their diet consistent. You can even book special care camps for your dog where we take them on a special one on one play date ranging from swimming, to ball games, or even an event you request yourself. You can also arrange it so that your dog is groomed before returning to your company.

But of course, most of us are not really travelling much nowadays, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we can’t help you and your dog out. For those that have to physically go to work or leave their dog alone during the day, we offer a day care service for them. For either a half or full day we care for your dog, so they have people with them while you’re out and about. We even provide them a free booking for a care camp during their stay for the day. Drop off begins at 6:30 AM, with half-day pickup needing to be done before 2PM, and full-day pickup occurring between 5-7PM.
As you can see, we are constantly changing and finding new ways to assist the dogs of our community. Hopefully that little review will help with planning your next step for your dog in their Silverbrook journey, catch you all here next week and we hope to serve your dog (again) soon!

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Very professional, competitive pricing, and most importantly the staff enjoys what they do. — Andre T.
The Silverbrook Experience
Nestled on 10 acres with a pond & park-like atmosphere
Family-run facility where your dog will feel at home
Experienced & caring year-round staff
Continuing education & certification for all employees
Serving Stafford & Fredericksburg, VA from our 10-acre farm off Courthouse Road